Thursday, May 29, 2008

Worn Copy: Francis Albert Sinatra and Antonio Carlos Jobim - How Insensitive (Insensatez)

Occasionally, Foundvinyl will feature a recording that has suffered from bad care from their previous owner and from the staff of the thrift store. Although these recordings may not sound the way they were originally intended, the damage suffered to the recording has left a unique thumbprint that will never be reproduced. I recognize that transferring these recordings to a digital format compromises the integrity of that "thumbprint" but hopefully the versions posted on Foundvinyl will do some justice. Thanks and keep on listening.

I've been sick all week so that's why this post is so belated. I've been digging on this record all week because it's one of the few I can listen to with this monster headache. Enjoy.

(From Francis Albert Sinatra & Antonio Carlos Jobim, 1967 Reprise; On 12" vinyl; Found at Goodwill of Orlando, Michigan location for $1.00)

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