Friday, May 16, 2008

Junior - Mama Used To Say (English Party Mix)

Nandy didn't leave too many clues this time. No circled, starred, or crossed out songs on this one; just the Nandy label on the front and the letters "R" and "I" real big on the b-side written in black permanent marker. Suffice to say because there weren't any circled tracks, I ignored this record until I listened to it this week. Though it drags on a little long, I thought it was too good to sit on. So I moved it up to this week.

(From Mama Used To Say, 1981 Mercury; On 12" vinyl; Found at Goodwill of Orlando, Michigan location for $1.00)

As always, click the Nandy tab to hear all the Nandy records so far. And check back for the main post on Sunday for something real special from the newest Goodwill in town.

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