Friday, July 18, 2008

Time Bandits - Live it Up

Ok, so it's time to come clean about the lack of posts lately. I don't really like to talk about personal hardships, but my computer got struck by lightning about 3 weeks ago. I've been trying to post when I can get a hold of a computer so it might be like this for a bit until I can get a hold of a permanent computer. But I do promise to update at least once a week every week so don't be a stranger to the site.

I couldn't get an image for this one or scan it in because this laptop isn't cooperating with my scanner but the cover isn't really what it's all about anyway. Standard Nandy markings throughout: an ND written on a yellow sticker on the cover and a big asterisk on the b-side label. Music-wise it's a little bit of everything that Nandy and I dig: disco, funk and new-wave. Enjoy.

(From Live it Up 12" single, 1982 CBS/Columbia; On 12" vinyl; Found at Goodwill of Orlando, Michigan location for $1.00)

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